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Privacy Policy

AMI PARIS Data Protection Policy

AMI PARIS is particularly attentive to the protection of your personal data. Concerning the personal data that you entrust to us, we inform you transparently about our policy on the protection of personal data. AMI PARIS undertakes to process your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) and law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, amended relating to data processing, files and freedoms (“Informatique et Libertés” law), which defines the conditions under which processing of personal data can be implemented. Any information collected through the website and allowing you to be identified, directly or indirectly, is considered personal data and will be processed in accordance with this policy.

Processing Manager

The data controller for data collected and processed on our website is AMI PARIS, 3 COUR BERARD, 75004 PARIS. AMI PARIS has appointed a data protection officer or “DPO” who you can contact at the following addresses:

Purposes, Legal Bases, and Storage Durations

User account management:

Purpose of processing: Manage the accounts of its customers and users to allow them to access the tracking and status of orders. Legal basis: Legitimate interest. Data processed: Customer identifier, last name, first name, postal address, email, telephone number, country, date of birth, title (or title), city, description of the order, transfer slip, amount of the prize pool. Storage period: Inactive user accounts whose prize pool is equal to 0 euros are deleted after 3 years from the last activity on the account. Management of orders for products or services:

Purpose of processing: Manage orders for products or services. Legal basis: Contractual execution. Data processed: Customer identifier, last name, first name, postal address, email address, order history, invoice. Storage period: 3 years from the end of the contractual relationship. Archiving for accounting purposes for up to 10 years. Management of commercial prospecting and marketing activities:

Purpose of processing: Manage activities of commercial prospecting and marketing. Legal basis: Consent. Data processed: Name, first name, customer ID, products and services purchased, mobile phone number (SMS), postal address, email address. Storage period: For customers, until consent is withdrawn or 3 years from the end of the commercial relationship. For prospects, 3 years from the collection of personal data or from the last contact from the prospect. Handling customer complaints:

Purpose of processing: Deal with customer complaints. Legal basis: Legitimate interest. Data processed: Comments, postal address, customer identifier, name, telephone number, first name, email address, file contact, position, company. Storage period: The data is kept for 2 years from the closure of the complaint and then deleted. Cookie management:

Legal basis: Legitimate interest & consent. Data processed: Information from browsing data (IP addresses, cookies). Personal Data of Minors

AMI PARIS services and products are not intended for minors. Consequently, AMI PARIS does not process data relating to minors. It is the responsibility of parents of minors or any person with parental authority to decide whether their child is authorized to use the services and products offered by AMI PARIS.

Recipients of Data

The data you entrust to us may be communicated to authorized persons in internal departments of AMI PARIS when their function requires it and their communication is necessary for the implementation of the aforementioned processing operations. AMI PARIS also transmits your data to subcontractors and commercial partners who are used to carry out the services as part of the implementation of the aforementioned processing.

Transfers of Personal Data Outside the EU

Some recipients of personal data may be located outside the European Union. These recipient countries may be recognized by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of protection of personal data or may not be subject to any adequacy decision. In any case, appropriate protection measures to protect your personal data are put in place, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Rights Regarding the Use of Personal Data

In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, you can exercise your following rights:

Right of access: the right to obtain confirmation that your personal data is or is not being processed, and to obtain communication thereof. Right of rectification: the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data or to be able to complete incomplete data. Right of erasure: the right to obtain the deletion of your personal data when possible. Right of opposition: the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data, when it is based on our legitimate interest. Right to withdraw your consent: when the processing of your data is based on your consent. You can exercise this right at any time without having to justify the reason. Right to limitation: the right to request the freezing of processing data for a given period. Right to portability: the right to receive the personal data you have provided in a structured format, commonly readable by machine, and to communicate it to a third party. Right to complain: the right to send a complaint to the CNIL if you believe that your rights are not respected. Terms of Exercise of Your Rights

To exercise your rights or to address any questions about the processing of your data, you can contact:

By post: AMI PARIS, 3 Cour Bérard, 75004 Paris. By email: If you believe, after contacting us, that your “Computer and Liberties” rights are not respected, you can send a complaint to the CNIL:

Update Data Protection Policy

This personal data protection policy was published on 04/19/2024. If there are any changes to this policy, you will be informed on this page.

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Authenticated & reconditioned
Returns within 14 days
Returns within 14 days